Electronic Delivery Consent

Once Insurance Agency LLC offers electronic delivery of policy documents to its clients, in order to provide the benefits listed below:

Secure e-mail delivery

Specified recipient(s)

No more binders or paper

Easy-to-navigate policy images

Please see below the terms and conditions of Once’s electronic policy delivery. If you would like to receive policy documents in paper form (i.e. mail), please do not hesitate to reach out to us at policies@onceinsuranceagency.com , and our team will mail you your policy documents in paper form as soon as possible. Please indicate your full name, address, policy number and insurer.

Disclosure and Consent to Receive Insurance Documents Electronically

By purchasing an insurance policy via Once, you agree to electronic delivery of your policy(ies), and you give consent to Once to provide documents to you electronically on behalf of the represented insurance companies, and other third parties. All documents sent by ONCE are subject to these terms and conditions, including disclosures, contracts, policy forms, certificates, and other required documents.

You are not required to receive documents electronically. If you do not agree, send an email to ONCE team at info@onceinsurance.com with your full name, address and message stating that you do not agree with electronic delivery option, and ONCE will provide documents according to applicable law. Even if you consent to electronic delivery, ONCE may choose to send paper copies of documents to you.

When ONCE delivers a document to you electronically, and if required, you click to accept the document, the terms in the document apply to you. ONCE may not mail you copies of documents provided electronically. Please print or retain a copy of this consent form for your records.

When ONCE delivers a document electronically, it will either make the document available through an online customer portal or send it by e-mail. Check your e-mail periodically to ensure timely receipt of any electronically delivered document. Access the portal within 10 days of receiving notification of a posted document. A document is considered “delivered” when it leaves ONCE’s system (if e-mailed) or when it is posted on the portal. Note that reviewing the document does not constitute delivery.

Receiving documents electronically carries security and privacy risks. E-mail and online security cannot be guaranteed, and e-mails can be intercepted without permission. You acknowledge and accept these risks.